What To Do To Prepare Lawns For Spring

Spring is such a great time in the garden.  The winter is finally over and we finally have the promise – at least – of better weather ahead.  It’s also the time when the grass starts to grow and sprout and that means regular mowing is ahead.  You can expect more frequent calls from your clients at this time of year!

Lots of people want to get a great lawn for the summer.  But in reality you need to get started just before spring arrives if you want to produce the lawns your clients will be after.

Ideally you want to take a good look at any lawn you are required to tend throughout the year.  It may have sustained some damage during the winter, depending on the weather conditions the area was subjected to.  Watch out for bald patches and apply some grass seed if you need to.  This will start the growth process nice and early.

You also need to consider fertilizing the lawn.  There are particular fertilizers that are designed to be used at this time of year, to encourage new growth.  You should also try and find one that is made in a time release formula.  If you do, the lawn will benefit from being ‘fed’ on a more regular and steady basis.

If you can, rake over the lawn and get rid of any debris that has fallen on it during the colder months of the year.  If this is your first time with a particular client – or the first time of the year you have been there – you will need to do some basic maintenance tasks like this initially.  This is also the time when you need to assess the aeration and condition of the lawn.  The better aerated it is, the better it will fare as the weather warms up and you have to water it more often.  Good aeration allows the water to go down deeper into the lawn and water it from below, so to speak.

If your client has an irrigation system in place you should check this to make sure it is adequate as well.  Many clients appreciate a bit of advice on what they can do to help protect their lawn at this time of year anyway, so whatever you can tell them is always a good thing.

There is no doubt that your first yearly visit to a client whose lawn needs upkeep and attention should be one of evaluating what is needed in the immediate future.  This also extends to taking a look around to see what is overhanging the lawn; any damaged branches that could pose a hazard and drop onto the lawn should be removed safely for example.

As you can see, this is a time for evaluation and careful tending to the lawn in order to prepare it for the summer months ahead.  The more you can do now, the better the chances are of a lush green lawn appearing exactly when the client wants to see it!

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27 Responses to “What To Do To Prepare Lawns For Spring”
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