Fire Pits And Outdoor Fireplaces Ideas

We’ve reached a stage where people are rightly demanding more from their gardens than they did in the past.  A lot of people also like to be able to use their gardens more often, not just when the sun is out and it’s warm and sunny.

To this end, fire pits and outdoor fireplaces are things you may find yourself being asked to create for clients more and more.  In fact you might want to suggest a fire pit if you have been asked to landscape someone’s garden for them.  Some people won’t even think of it unless it is suggested to them – but as soon as it is they’ll love the idea!

An outdoor fireplace can be just as good as well.  It all depends on what the client is after.  For instance some people may prefer a permanent feature made from fireproof bricks.  Other people – particularly those with children – might prefer a portable fireplace that can be moved and put away safely when not in use.  You can buy bowls that sit inside a frame for this purpose, and they sit happily on the patio and can be moved around whenever they are needed elsewhere.

You’ll need to ascertain whether the client wants something portable and what kind of style they want as well.  Also, do they want something they can cook some burgers over during the summer months when a BBQ is called for?

If they want portable and versatile, a chiminea with the appropriate accessories would be good.  If they want something permanent and big, you’ll need to consider building a focal point into the garden design.  Some gardens are big enough to benefit from a large stone built fireplace for example, so make sure you scale the finished item to the size of the garden.  If you don’t think along these lines the finished fireplace or pit could look out of place.

If you design a large fireplace that needs to be built, think about adding some climbing plants to it to help it blend in with its surroundings.  Just be sure to bear in mind that the heat will need to escape, so any plants should be well away from the direct sources of heat.

Fire pits can be bought to sit in a specific area, or you can build one out of brick or stone to fit in with the overall design of the patio area.  Always come up with several sketches and ideas based on the client’s preferences and then see which one they prefer out of all of them.  Minimalist designs can work equally as well as more elaborate ones, and oftentimes the garden space itself will help to dictate what will look best in any particular situation.

There are any number of ideas and suggestions you can use for fire pits and outdoor fireplaces.  In the end you will need to adhere to what the client wants, but the more ideas you can come up with the more likely it is they will be delighted with the results.

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35 Responses to “Fire Pits And Outdoor Fireplaces Ideas”
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